I was hired as a videographer and photographer to produce a range of multimedia materials, including photography and video Good Return and Chamroeun Microfinance to promote the product they have designed to provide people with with disabilities in Cambodia with financial services to improve their quality of life. This video gives an overview of the process of providing people with disabilities with financial services. Hopefully it will be a vital tool in promoting the services and will be valuable in rolling out the services to other financial institutions and to other provinces in Cambodia, so more and more people can benefit from the valuable service.
Videographer on a series of case studies for World Food Programme
I was commissioned by Arete Stories to work on as a camera operator and editor on a series of case studies for World Food Programme about their school meals programme. It was great working as a videographer to see how the programme works and the benefits it brings to attendance rates and the learning environment for the students and the wider benefits it provides to the community as a whole.
I worked as a videographer on this case study of Prak Sokhom. She works as a farmer and grows and supplies vegetables to WFP’s school meals programme.
This case study is about Ros Sreynich, who works as a teacher at WFP’s school meals programme that is run in multiple provinces in Cambodia.
This case study is about So Mon who works as a cook to cook the meals for the children every day they attend school.
This case study follow the story of Srey Toic, a student who benefits from the school meals programme.
Commercial Photography for Red Bull Cambodia
Working as a commercial photographer in Phnom Penh for Simon on a Red Bull Cambodia. They shot a TVC at Blackbox Studio before I took the stills. It was interesting to see the crew at work and to be involved in a production with the client on a live feed. Simon is now back in Cambodia, so for any commercial photography requirements, please get in touch with him.
Director of Photography for Northeast part of 'Taste of Cambodia'
The Northeast section of the ‘Taste of Cambodia’ video that I was drone operator and director of photography for. It was great to work with Hanuman Films on this video for the Ministry of Tourism and go back to some of the spots I spent some much time in when working on Last of the Elephant Men. It’s been great to see an increase in domestic tourism over the past couple of years.
NGO photographer for people with disabilities
I was hired as a photographer and videographer to produce a series of images for Good Return and Chanmroeun Microfinance to promote the product they have designed to provide people with with disabilities with financial services to improve their quality of life. You can see a selection of my photos above. Hopefully the materials will help with the upscaling of the model so more of the 10% of the Cambodian people living with disabilities can become financially independent and participate more fully in society.