Collaborating with WHO on a Video Case Study About Malaria Prevention in Siem Pang, Cambodia

This was the third time in a bit over a year that I’d been hired by the World Health Organization to work as a videographer on a case study for them.

This time it was malaria prevention in Stung Treng Province following Chan Sophal, who supports The Mekong Malaria Elimination (MME) programme at the provincial level.

Sophal works with remote communities close to the Lao border in Stung Treng Province.

‘I am stationed in Stung Treng Province, with a focus on Siem Pang, which is a malaria hotspot’, he says.

Sophal works closely with the head Siem Pang Health Center and the nurse in charge of the malaria elimination programme.

‘We plan our outreach campaigns together’, he says.

It was a great experience to work as a videographer for WHO and get to follow Sophal to some of the remote villages he works in.

Siem Pang itself is very remote, but it took a small ferry, a horse and cart and small boat to get to some of the highest risk communities.

As part of the Last Mile to Malaria Elimination, Sophal and his team of Village Malaria Workers (VMW) focus on the target group of men aged 15-49 years, who go regularly go into the forest and are the most likely to catch malaria and transmit it in their community.

‘We educate and encourage them to take preventive medication before they go to the forest or other high-risk malaria areas. They have never heard of preventive treatment, so taking the medicine when they're not sick worries them a lot. It is important to build trust so the community believes the medicine is good for their health,’ he says.

The medical care and education they provide is a key factor in helping to eliminate malaria in Cambodai.

This isn’t something Sophal takes lightly.

‘The work I’m proudest of is the contribution I’ve madeto eliminating malaria in Stung Treng Province’, he says.

For me working as a videographer on projects like this is a pleasure. Sophal and his team are dedicated in their work, they’ve won the trust of the communities they work in and their efforts are having a genuine impact.

 Below is the longer version of the video.

Here’s a shorter version that was used as part of WHO’s 75th annievrsary social media campaign.

If you’d like to see more of my work you can read more of my blogs here and you can keep up with the videography work I do for other NGOs here.

On Assignment for WHO - Directing 4 Videos About their Social Prescribing Campaign

I was commissioned by the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office to direct 4 videos about their Social Prescribing for Healthy Aging programme in Cambodia to form part of their training toolkit. The toolkit provides implementing partners with an overview of the best practices of how implement social prescribing at the community level.

The Social Prescribing for Healthy Aging programme is a way for healthcare workers to connect people to a range of non-clinical services in the community and to help the elderly not feel anxiety, loneliness or depression.

The toolkit is designed for policy makers and community health centres to help them run effective social prescribing schemes.

The brief was to make 4 videos to highlight the key aspects of successfully implementing social prescribing schemes.

The first video features Dr Kao Sovandara, a lecturer at The Royal University of Phnom Penh and part of the lead team implementing social prescribing in Cambodia. He gives an overview of the programme, the training they provide and how that works at a grassroots level.

The second video features Yem Sameoun, who is a commune councillor responsible for running the scheme in her community. She talks about the training she receives, the work she does in the community and the positive outcomes.

The third video features Nget Krin, an elderly community member. She talks about the situation she faces, the support she receives and how that makes her feel.

The fourth video features Dr Khan Sareth, a lecturer at The Royal University of Phnom Penh and part of the lead team implementing social prescribing in Cambodia. He gives an overview of what they’ve achieved and reflects on how the scheme can be improved in the future.

While the project is intrinsically nebulous in nature, I hope it can have an impact in Cambodia, regionally and in the rest of the world. As the world’s population is aging, it’s increasingly important to make sure everyone feels included within their communities.

You can see other example of my work for WHO here and here.