Drone photography for Ministry of Tourism food video

As part of the Ministry of Tourism food video, my main focus was to shoot drone videography, but I tried to spend some of my time focussing on get aerial photographs of some of the places I visited. Below are a selection of the images from the project.

Drone videography for Ministry of Tourism food Video

Having come second in the bidding process on this series of videos about food for the Ministry of Tourism, Nick Ray from Hanuman Films was kind enough to get in touch to offer me some work as a drone operator and videographer on some of the shoots.

It was a fun job which included filming on the coast in Kampot and Kep, filming at the Angkor Archealogical Complex, where I was lucky enough to have permission to drone around the temples. I also got to visit my old stomping grounds in Mondulkiri where I caught up with some of my Bunong friends that I hadn’t seen for a few years.

Joining Pixel Peers Creative Agency

I’ve collaborated with Sujash on a number of projects. It’s always been an easy process, so when he launched Pixels Peers, a creative agency specialising in motion design, 2D and 3D animation and explainer videos, it seemed like a logical move to get me in to work as the videographer and editor for the agency to help expand the range of services they can offer. I look forward to posting about future collaborations with them.