NGO videographer to cover school feeding programme | On Assignment with WFP

I was hired to work as an NGO videographer for World Food Programme (WFP) in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The video was to highlight the ongoing activities of World Food Programme’s (WFP) school feeding programme and the support that they receive from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The programme has helped to build infrastructure at schools. This includes gardens the children are responsible for tending to, where they grow healthy, green vegetables that are a vital source of nutrition in the meals that the school provides for them. They have also built handwashing stations, so that the children can wash their hands before eating. Having a facility such as this and training children in washing their hands with soap regularly is very important and has been shown to improve attendance rates.

Another key aspect is upgrading the cooking and the food storage facilities. This allows the school cooks to prepare food in a more hygienic environment. After getting up before the break of dawn the cooks trek across the rice paddies in the dark to make sure that the school children have a healthy, nutritious meal that helps them to stay healthy and improves their concentration when studying.

It’s always rewarding providing WFP with videography services and it’s great to see responsibility for the programme being handed over to the Royal Government of Cambodia.

Below are some frames from the video I shot. You can see other examples of my work as an NGO videographer for WFP here and here.

Innovations Against Poverty – An NGO video for SNV

I was commissioned to work as a videographer on this video showcasing the support that SNV provide to entrepreneurs in Cambodia.

The video focusses on WeVenture, a startup that provides clean, piped, drinking water to people living in Prek Chik commune. It was great to see how providing this water to people has a positive impact on their lives in many ways. Hopefully, WeVenture will expand their operations, as planned, and provide safe water to people all over Cambodia.

Cambodia Run Challenge, an NGO video

It was great to team up with TGF again to work as a videographer for the Cambodia Run Challenge at the end of 2019.

Mark, Alex and Johnny did a great job and raised much needed funds for TGF. As TGF is a small NGO a large percentage of the money reaches the beneficiaries, so it’s definitely a worthwhile cause. To find about more about the 2020 edition, check out the Cambodia Run website.

Last of the Elephant Men

I worked on this feature-length documentary for over 4 years as a researcher, producer, director, camera operator and Steadicam operator. 

Spending extended periods of time working alongside the Bunong and their elephants in Mondulkiri was life-changing.

Working with Daniel Ferguson, Arnaud Bouquet and the teams at InformAction Films and La Compagnie des Taxi-brousses, was incredible opportunity to learn about the filmmaking process.

The documentary won numerous awards worldwide, had a limited theatrical release, has been aired on TV5 in Canada and France 2 and is available to watch on Amazon Prime.

I’d love to work on another project of this scope in the future.