It’s always a pleasure to get of Phnom Penh on assignment and this job was no exception. The brief was to produce a series of 25 photos for the World Health Organization about Sophal for their WHO’s Who series to commemorate their 75th anniversary of providing health for all.
The series was to highlight some of vital work done by some of the key healtcare workers around the world.
Sophal works in malaria prevention and has dedicated himself to preventing malaria in the remote parts of Stung Treng, which are high risk areas.
Sophal was a great choice for the photography series and he is dedicated to his work and he’s very respected within the communities he works in. He led a fundraising campaign when one of his team lost their house through fire. On another occasion, he donated blood to one of his community health workers’ wives after being alerted to the need in the middle of the night.
He’s also studying for a masters in public health in his spare time.
It was a busy day photographing Sophal. We arrived at Siem Pang Health Center early in the morning where Sophal met with the local health centre workers, checked malaria records and did a stock take of the preventative medicine before travelling into the community.
Working in remote villages, we had to take a ferry an ox and cart and small boat to reach the most remote village.
When we got to the community, Sophal checked the records and spoke to his team of community health workers.
From there, his team went into the community to provide training to the village and to check on people who had recently returned from the forest to give them preventative medicine.
The team managed to get all of this done before a storm blew in and the heavens opened.
You can see other examples of my NGO photography for the World Health Organization here and here.