Working in the field as a cameraperson for the NGO United World Schools

It was great to see some of the footage I shot while working as a cameraperson for the NGO United World Schools (UWS) used as part of their Girls Will Be Girls campaign. I took the images when on assignment for Arete Stories.

It was a cool initiative where the UK government matched any donations made by the public so that more girls living in remote jungle areas around the world can benefit from a good education.

Seeing the video brought back fond memories of the week I spent working as a cameraperson in Preah Vihear and Ratinikiri, both remote provinces in northern Cambodia. We visited a village where UWS were building schools right up on the Laos border, and got to see one of their schools in action in a remote village in Ratanikiri. It was a particularly memorable experience travelling up the Sasam River in a small boat through the verdant, tropical vistas.

You can see more examples of my work as a cameraperson for NGOs here and more about my trip with UWS here.